A seemingly random area when passing through. Always associated with the simple box stores and concrete roads. Goes to show everything has a history. Fun post! Looking forward to the next!

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Thanks for checking it out Riley! Glad you enjoyed it and yes there will be more! I already have a couple of neighbourhood's photos done but just need to research and write the history parts. Cheers!

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Thank you for including the link to that old river lot map. I now know who held the original grant on my parents' and my grandfather's properties.

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Oh wow amazing, I'm glad you found it helpful and you were able to locate that important information!

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I always enjoy reading about the history of Winnipeg like this.

The motel-dominated era survived until recently with one particular motel on the strip, the Capri, seemingly out of place (it has now been torn down). I wondered why it would have been there, but now I know.

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Thank you for checking it out! Yes, the Capri! I came across the sign for the motel that was still up on my walk. Yes it was indeed seemingly out of place.

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